Get in Touch

If you are interested in becoming a client, please complete and submit this form. You will be contacted within 24 hours for an initial phone consultation.  During the phone consultation, we will discuss your previous experiences with Massage Therapy, my personal style and focus, and most importantly, your short and long term goals.


If you wish, you may also call me at 248-631-4728.  Please leave a detailed message and return contact information and I will return your call within 24 hours.

26789 Woodward Ave. Ste 103
Huntington Woods, MI 48070


Dustin Palmer is a Licensed Massage Therapist (L.M.T.) and Advanced Reiki Practitioner serving the Detroit Metro area.  


Massage and energy work delivered with balanced intent

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massage and bodywork packages

Each package consists of FOUR sessions at a discounted rate.
Relaxation & Prenatal sessions can be upgraded to Deep Tissue, Lymphatic Drainage, or Craniosacral Therapy for $10.
Regular scheduling and cancellation policies apply. Gratuities not included.

Deep Tissue Package
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FOUR 60 minute sessions $380
FOUR 90 minute sessions $500 FOUR 120 minute sessions $620

Integrative Deep Tissue encompasses all of your therapists knowledge and techniques, creating a therapy session and plan that is totally unique to you. Deep Tissue does not mean you leave feeling “beat up” but instead means you get to leave feeling like your therapist targeted the root cause as well as relieved the symptoms of your tension with techniques like neuromuscular retraining, myofascial release, stretching, trigger point release, and more. Common goals:

  • pain relief in joints, muscles, and connective tissue

  • injury recovery and prevention

  • improving posture

  • increasing range of motion

  • relieving pinched nerves

  • relieving migraines and headaches

Lymph Package
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FOUR 30 minute sessions $240 (Not recommended for post-surgical clients) FOUR 60 minute sessions $380 (Recommended for post-surgical clients)
FOUR 90 minute sessions $500 (Required for full-body drainage)

We use the Chikly method of Lymphatic Drainage. This non-invasive therapy stimulates a healthy immune system, reduces edema (swelling), and induces deep relaxation. Common goals for a lymphatic drainage session include:

  • post cosmetic surgery to reduce swelling and promote healing

  • improving immune system function - Not for an acute illness! Massage can worsen an acute cold or flu, and we prefer not to spread germs!

  • improving sleep and increasing general energy

Stretch Therapy Packages
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FOUR 60 minute sessions $380

FOUR 90 minute sessions $540

Stretching has exploded in popularity in recent years, and for good reason: better flexibility can improve mobility and range of motion, while reducing pain and the chance of injury. As a certified Stretching and Flexibility Coach, our therapist Nik will guide you to improve flexibility safely and effectively. Benefits include:

  • Easing pain associated with tightness and tension

  • Improving range of motion, flexibility, mobility and strength

  • Improving posture, physical appearance and self esteem

  • Counteract the effects of aging

  • Increasing overall fitness and athletic performance

  • Reducing the risk of injury

  • Encouraging relaxation and relieving stress

  • Increasing circulation and blood flow to the muscles, surrounding tissues and joints

Relax & Restore Packages
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FOUR 60 minute sessions $340
FOUR 90 minute sessions $460 FOUR 120 minute sessions $580

Therapeutic Relaxation & Recovery Massage is so much more than the spa relaxation massage of old. This Swedish massage based session is aimed to encourage your parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) nervous system. Performed with light or heavy pressure to suit your preference. This type of therapy has numerous benefits, including:

  • reducing inflammatory proteins and increasing reparative proteins making it good for recovery from marathons and fitness competitions

  • improving connective tissue mobility, increasing range of motion

  • calming adrenal symptoms of stress and trauma

  • providing a meditative effect, improving the connection between mind and body

Prenatal Massage Packages
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FOUR 60 minute sessions $440
FOUR 90 minute sessions $460

Massage during pregnancy offers not only self-care time for moms-to-be, but also necessary relief from pregnancy discomforts. Safe in all three trimesters, performed side-lying surrounded by comfortable pillows.

Reiki Packages
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FOUR 60 minute sessions $380
FOUR 90 minute sessions $540

Reiki is a holistic and non-invasive energy healing technique that originated in Japan. It operates on the principle that universal life force energy flows through all living things, and when this energy is balanced and harmonious, optimal well-being is achieved. Using the Usui system of Reiki, our certified practitioners channel this healing energy through their hands to you, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and the restoration of inner balance.

Craniosacral Therapy Packages
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FOUR 60 minute sessions $380
FOUR 90 minute sessions $500 FOUR 120 minute sessions $620

CST uses a very gentle touch but has profound effects on both the fascial system (connective tissue) and the craniosacral system (the membranes and CSF surrounding spinal cord and brain). CST unwinds fascial adhesions gently and thoroughly and is increasingly used for a wide range of medical problems including:

  • Migraine headaches

  • Chronic neck and back pain

  • Scar tissue

  • Arthritis

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Central nervous system disorders

  • (TMJ/TMJD)

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Post Surgical Dysfunctions

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Myofascial Release Packages
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FOUR 60 minute sessions $380
FOUR 90 minute sessions $500 FOUR 120 minute sessions $620

Injuries (old and new), a repetitive or laborious career, intense exercise, and poor postural habits can cause restricted range of motion and pinched nerves. Myofascial release aims to eliminate these fascial adhesions in the body. This slow release to our connective tissue greatly affects our movement. It assists in:

  • increasing range of motion

  • eliminating movement restrictions

  • restoring function

  • alleviating pain

  • reducing restrictions due to scar tissue